
HANDA Project Report (2014)

This template can be used forreporting for any period of time (quarterly, mid-year or annual).

Report  period from:

Jan 1st  2015

Report  period to:

Dec 31st  2015

This reporttemplate has five sections:

  1. Project     summary (complete each time you submit the report)

  2. Reporting     framework (complete each time you submit the report)

  3. Risk     Management (complete each time you submit the report)

  4. Project     activities (complete each time you submit the report)

  5. Annual     Report (only fill this section at the end of the reporting year)

Allprojects, regardless of size, location and funder should complete a mid-yearand an annual report – these are to be loaded on TLM Connect. Projects fundedby institutional funders can use the institution’s own reporting forms as longas it contains sections similar to the ones in this template. If in doubt aboutwhether the funder’s template is sufficient for TLM Fellowship standards,contact your TLMI Programme Advisor.

CountryLeaders and/or donors may request quarterly reports. This same template can beused if found to be appropriate.

Type onlyin the white boxes; they will expand as you type.

1. Project Summary

Project  Title (same as in the project proposal)

HANDA Social &  Economic Development Project Southern China

Project  Location: Country


Region  / District/ Town / Village

Guangdong,  Guangxi, Yunnan

Project  start date

1st  Jan 2015

Project  end date

31st  December, 2018


Report  written by

Sally  Qi

Email  address:


Date submitted

4th  February, 2015

Budget summary (Local currency)

Annual Budget

Actual expenditure during the reporting period

Total Expenditure to date

Variance from annual budget

(budget ‘v’ actual expenditure)