
Proposal for HANDA Newsletter in 2014-2015

Proposalfor HANDA Advocacy Publications

HANDA Newsletters in2014-2015

(1st April, 2014-31stMarch 2015)

Background Information  

With the support of Sasakawa Memorial HealthFoundation (SMHF) and International Association for Integration, Dignity andEconomic Advancement (IDEA), HANDA has been able to continue its publish ofHANDA Newsletter for 15 years since its establishment in 1996. By the year of2012, HANDA Newsletter has published for 54 general issues and 27 specialissues. The publications have been sent to 98 HD villages in 20 cities andprovinces in China.

Over the past 15 years, as a mean of publicity as well as aplatform for communication and information exchange, HANDA Newsletter has beendelivering the stories and thoughts of people affected by HD and theinformation of HANDA work. The HD affected people’s spirit of makingunremitting effort for self-improvement and the HADNA idea of helping oneself byhelping others have been spread. With years’ effort, HANDA Newsletter isgetting more and more readable and palatable as its content is constantlyenriched in recent years. Now it has become indispensable reading materials forpeople affected by HD. Through HANDA Newsletter, the villagers can learn a lotother than HANDA work, such as the changes of HD villages, the stories ofpeople affected by HD, the good people and good deeds around them, thecommunication between DIs and HD villages, the excellent original works createdby HD-affected people and the governments’ policy on HD-affected people. ReadingHANDA Newsletter can broaden the villagers’ horizons and make them moreconfident for them to know that they are constantly becoming more accepted bythe outside world.

To pursuer high quality of HANDA Newsletter, in 2014, we will alsofocus on the motivation of volunteers and HANDA staff to write their own experiencewhile working with people affected by leprosybesidesinterns are also encouraged to write articles from their own perspectives. Inorder to enlarge our readers group and get a wider publicity, we will work out theelectronic version of HANDA Newsletter available on our website in 2014.

This year, we will expand the distribution coverage of HANDANewsletter to public show try to promote HANDA Mission & Vision.


1.   To create an interactive sharing platform ofpeople affected by HD, and to enable them to understand more information aboutother peers and the outside world. 康复者搭建互动及分享平台,让他们获取到更多外界信息

2.   To show the life and spirit of peopleaffected by HD to the society, and to advocate “eliminate discriminationtowards people affected by HD, create a civil society together”


3.   Set up brand image of HANDApromote HANDA Mission & Visio, so as to facilitate local resourcemobilization. 建立汉达的形象宣传汉达使命和愿景,推动本地资源动员


The newsletter will be published quarterly covers the content of quarterlyevent highlights, major activity reports, voice of villagers (articles receivedfrom villagers), window of volunteers (articles written by volunteers), HANDAstaff high lights, donations received and acknowledgments, questions andanswers.

1.      HANDA Newsletter will besent by post to all HANDA branches and the relevant government departments,organizations and individuals. One HANDA representative in each village will beresponsible to read news for those who cannot read.

2.   Recruit more volunteers with experiencein edition fully motivate volunteers to actively taking initiatives and responsibilityto ensure the high quality of HANDA Newsletter. The correspondents of peopleaffected by leprosy are all getting old, most of them have a heart but nostrength to write up articles, the number of articles we received from themkept reducing year by year.  This year wewill focus on the motivation and cultivation the children of people affected byleprosy, people from all walks of life especial college volunteers to be HANDAcorrespondents.

3.   Mr. Lin Zhi Ming will still be the chiefeditor of HANDA Newsletter and he will also take the responsibility to improvethe communication with HANDA members in different villages by visiting themirregularly.

4.   The editor in charge will visit at least 10villages in Guangdongto have a face-to-face communication with people affected by leprosy, listeningto their stories. Encourage and give trainings to correspondents to improvetheir writing skill.  


Pleaserefer to <Budget for HANDA Newsletter for the year of 2014-2015>

Thanks forreading this proposal. We wish that you would be able to continue you supportto this project so as to provide a communication platform for the peopleaffected by leprosy in Chinaand to empower more people with the spirit and words of HANDA members.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Michael Chen

Secretary General

HANDA Rehabilitation& Welfare Association