AnnualReport of the Governance of HANDA Committee and Guangxi Leadership Group 2014-2015
HANDA Committee and Guangxi leadership group haveimproved governance capacity by its member’s active participation in allprojectaspects, and is able to lead HANDA future development with high accountabilityand sustainability in three years.
Implemented activities:
To enable the HANDA Committee and leadership groupin Guangxi effectively practices its governance role for the organization,including decision making, field visits, supervision & assistant infinancing, we have implemented the following activities:
1.1 Providedtraining for committee members on NGO governance. Training was provided byHANDA advisor who has rich experience in both business and NGO sectorsmanagement. Training subject was mainly on the roles and responsibilities of committeeand its members, after the training, the committee members especially thepeople affected by leprosy had better ideas about their role and duty as theboard of the organization
1.2 Developedclear committee's role and duties with the committee members. Each committeemember clear understands his/her role & duties and they are act in linewith HANDA principles to ensure the decisions are taken in the best interest ofthe organization.
1.3 Organized4 committee and one standing committee meetings in March June, September, DecemberandMarch 2015 respectively. At the committee meeting, the annual work reports of 2013and 2014, the quarterly finance report 2014 was given, mobilization localresources and full use of media effectively, the expansion of Yunnan servicearea were raised and discussed. Members listened to the quarterly projectprogress report and finance report, outcomes made from local resourcemobilization and media publicity. We also collected the needs for furthercapacity trainings from members, listed to their comments and suggestions forbetter quality of our work.
1.4 Committeemembers supervise and assistant in financing, two committee members are electedas financial supervisor-people affected by leprosy. After each meeting, they supervisedthe finance work, checked each bill and accounts carefully, make sure the moneybeing spent against budget line. At each meeting, they would give their financesupervision report to all the members.
1.5 Thisyear the Guangdong committee members have conducted 17 village visits, got toknow the feedbacks from villagers about field staff work and tried to collectmore needs. During the visits, members who have skills and experience onbee-keeping, fruit trees and sun flower planting shared their skills in thefield with others. Members also took initiatives in the organization andcoordination of the recreational activities for the villages they arevisiting.
1.6 InGuangxi, among 7 leadership members, 4 members paid visits to 6 villages inBeihai, Hepu, Bobai and Debao (3 are in very poor health condition). Mr. ZhanZongsheng who were from Guangxi leadership group passed away in August due toheart disease. He has been actively participated in all kinds of HANDAactivities and been an active advocator to ask for the rights and benefits fromlocal government. After hearing the shocking news, HANDA president and deputysecretary general travelled to his house and extended their condolences andcomfort to his family members. Mr. ZhanZongsheng will always be remembered in the hearts of HANDA staff and villagersin Guangxi.
InGuangxi, the average age of people affected by leprosy is now 72. There arealready 10 villages which left less than 10 peoplein Guangxi. 3 out of10villages have only one person remains and live with neither no water norelectricity supply.In order to improve their situation, Guangxileadership group contacted our staff team staff and together they reached thelocal media, on the next day, they took media staffs paid visit to Debaovillage (one people living in), Ningming village (7 residents) and Guigang (3 residents).After that, media gave an in-depthreport of themin 3 leprosy villages where only few villagers are still living there. As soon as the third daythat the article was published, the Health Department of GuangxiProvince then urged all the disease control centers as well as the dermatologyinstitutes to conduct full scale survey for people affected by leprosy livinginthe villages and the community. The content of the survey includedwhether they are still alive, their placeof living and their health status, etc. The department also planned tocombinervillages with less than 6 villagers to TingLianghospital equipped with medical staffs and safe/clean facilities. People affected by leprosyare being takencare of with improved standard of living.
1.7 On15th to 16th January 2015, the new Guangxi leadershipelection meeting was taken place in Nanning. Vice secretary general of HANDA,and 15 representatives of people affected by leprosy from different villagesparticipated. The annual work review was given by vice secretary general,participants discussed 3 main achievements and 3 main needs together. At theend of the first day meeting, after voting, a new group was initiated with 7members-Huang Yungao, Zhu Xiantai, Liao Huanming, Huang Changde, Wei Jiaming,Ban Keheng and Caiping. On the second day, they worked out the jobdescription/responsibility and work plan for each members.
1.8 OnDecember 5, the 1st Villagers Congress of HANDA Yunnan was held at theconference hall of Yunduan Holiday Hotel. For one thing, the congress aimed toelect seven villagers to form a “HANDA Yunnan Villager’ Committee” and todiscuss and establish a management system as a reflection of the villagers’leadership and the mutual assistance between the leprosy villages. The meetingcreated an opportunity for people affected by leprosy to communicate andexchange with one another. Specifically, 39 villager representatives from 26leprosy villages of seven prefectures attended the congress, 13 of which werepeople affected by leprosy, 3 teachers, 23 non-leprosy-affected people from thevillages, and 5 females. Dr. Guan and Dr. Qin from Honghe PrefectureDermatology Institute, Mr. FENG Keteng, President of HANDA committee, Ms. ZHANGYan, Deputy Secretary-General of HANDA and Mr. HUANG, member of the HANDAGuangxi leadership Group of Leprosy Villages were also invited as guests andgave their speeches at the congress.
1.9 Afterthe meeting, HANDA president, deputy secretary general and Mr. Huang fromGuangxi leadership group paid visits to 3 leprosy villages in Yunnan. Theyleant the changes after the years of HANDA intervention and the existingproblems/needs in the villages. Besides, they also shared their experience andskills on bee keeping with other villagers.
Project Effect:
1. Committeemembers are more willing to take responsibility in the organization governance,Mr. Feng Keteng and Wu Yaoqiang asked to pay more field visits as they wantedto share their skills and experiences on bee raising and farming industry withothers. Both of them received interview by Guangzhou FM 102.7 radio station andbroadcast lively.
2. Committeemembers of non-leprosy affected people actively played their role in localresource mobilization. With their support, this year at HANDA fund raise event,we successfully raised about RMB 220,000. Besides, they helped to do marketingto promote the products made from villages.
3. TheGuangdong committee members visits to Yunnan and Guangxi has set up a goodmodeling to encourage the new set up leadership groups in Guangxi and Yunnan tofully play their role.
4. Committeemembers become more unity, vice president Mr. Liu Zhenxi got knee fracture andhad to stay at home, Mr. Zhan Zongsheng from Guangxi leadership group gotserious disease, other members volunteered to do their village visits task.
Finance summary:
Please refer to the financial summary
On behalf of HANDA members and people who havebenefited from this project, we would like to express our great gratitude to the generous support fromSasakawa Memorial Health Foundation.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Michael Chen
Secretary General
HANDA Rehabilitation & Welfare Association