– 纪念保罗·布兰特(Paul Brand)医生诞辰100周年
The Gift of Pain - 100th Anniversary of Birthof Doctor who Revolutionised Treatment of Leprosy
An oldman is rescuing a yam that has fallen off a stick by thrusting his handstraight into the red hot coals of a charcoal brazier. Hand surgeon DrPaul Brand, watching this scene at a leprosy hospital in New Guinea realisedthat people affected by the disease have no warning system alerting them topain. That insight transformed the treatment of leprosy and today, 17th July2014 we celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth.
The image was searedin Paul Brand’s mind and he recorded it in his book The Gift of Pain, co-written with Philip Yancey. He proved that the wasting away of fingers and toesis not due to infection by Mycobacteriumleprae, but is the secondary result of loss of temperature and painsensation in hands and feet caused by nerve damage. That is the reason whyhands and feet thus affected are at constant risk of being injured throughsecondary infections or burns for example.
Loss of sensation is the most important problem forthose with nerve damage as a result of leprosy. Impairments may limitactivities using hands, feet and eyes, as well as restrict socialparticipation. Impairments can develop even after completion of Multidrugtherapy, the standard treatment today.
However, much can be done even when nerve damage isalready present.
ILEP Members have long involvement in supporting orhelping many of the two to three million women, children and men who are thusaffected across the world
Many Members help them to adapt habits which candecrease their risk of contracting further nerve damage, and for instance helpprovide protective footwear.
Members of ILEP are instrumental in setting up self-caregroups and facilitating and encouraging women and men affected to do so wherethey can benefit from sharing their experiences, supporting and encouragingeach other.
Dr Brand advocated that disabilities from nerve functionimpairment could be prevented and corrected to a large extent and were not theinevitable result of leprosy. Current global strategy aims to reduce the rateof new cases with visible disabilities to less than one per million populationby 2020, with a milestone of reducing by 35% the rate of new cases withdisability per million population by the end of 2015.
How toPrevent Disability in Leprosy was produced by members of the ILEPTechnical Commission to help provide advice for all health workers and carerswho have to help those affected by nerve damage.
Dr Paul Brand’s legacy to people affected by leprosycannot be underestimated. For every individual who does not incur further nervedamage he is to be thanked.
This is just one immense reason why we remember and paytribute to Dr Paul Brand today, 17th July 1914, the 100th anniversary of hisbirth. Says President of ILEP Rene Stäheli:
“Dr Paul Brand made a huge contribution to ourunderstanding of leprosy through his research. His approach and attitudetowards women, children and men affected by leprosy was holistic, which is theapproach embraced by ILEP Members in the anti-leprosy activities they supporttoday.”
A true world citizen Dr Brand was born in Britain,brought up in India and worked on his academic research in the USA. He wasPresident of ILEP Member The Leprosy Mission International 1993-1999. He diedin 2003.